Letting go of the pain and moving on after break up
Thursday, July 27, 2017 July 27, 2017 | 0 Comment(s)

Another new month or perhaps another year over and you're still troubled with hubungan percintaan yang putus di tengah jalan. The whole things is dragging on too long - kenapa susah sangat nak get over it?


Mungkin, something remain unsaid for you. That's why your feelings remain strong.
Mungkin, separuh jiwa anda masih menyangka ada harapan untuk bersama kembali.
Mungkin, anda takut tak akan jumpa lagi pasangan sepertinya.

Yes. You won't meet anyone like your ex, but InsyaAllah you will meet someone, just they will be different. Explore all this !

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