I will stay single
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 January 31, 2018 | 0 Comment(s)

Maybe I have to stop asking why everything went wrong... and just accept a fact that it did. Went wrong in my eyes but a perfect plan from Allah.

After going through all of this, you've taught me that I really don't love myself fully. Because if I did, I wouldn't let you come into my life twice and wreck it both times like you did.

Also, you've taught me that giving peluang kedua isn't always the best decision. Sebab, if someone does it once, they'll do it again. Manusia tak berubah dengan sendirinya, unless they want to.

Through your attempt to hurt me, dalam masa yang sama you've taught me.. a lot. I'm thankful for that.

Now I'm giving myself space, belajar mencintai diri sendiri. Fuhh susah juga sebenarnya nak cinta diri sendiri ni. Sebab selama ni buta, asyik cinta asyik sayang orang lain je, penuh pengorbanan sampai ketepikan perasaan sendiri, sakitkan hati sendiri.

Honestly, I don't know how long it takes to heal my feelings.. but until that time, I will stay single.

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