Different people, different ways to heal
Monday, October 22, 2018 October 22, 2018 | 0 Comment(s)


Haaa cuba bayangkan lama mana omputih anggarkan untuk kita get over someone after break up. Kalau yang jenis sebulan sampai namploh kali dating tu, cuba bayangkan kalau setahun dah berapa kali? Jenis pulak sekali dating sampai 22 jam.. matilanakkkk nak melupakan tu. Haha ! It takes half the total time okay... Tapi sebenarnya tak boleh jugak nak tentukan jangka masa untuk move on tu.

Your heart just doesn’t work like that. Love doesn’t work that way.

 Ada orang cakap "alahhhh aku dulu seminggu je dah okay". Jangan kita rasa tak normal bila melebihi tempoh yang orang kata tu. It might works with them, but not with you. Different people, different ways to heal. Seminggu, sebulan, setahun atau lebih dari tu, it's ultimately up to you and time.

I've got so many question after break up years ago. Orang tanya aku "macam mana sekarang" "dah move on ke?" "kalau dia dengan orang lain kau okay tak?" Truth be told, I don't know how to answer those questions. Sebab sampai sekarang aku masih tengah nak figure out macam mana nak lupakan and terima semua ni. Aku tak menolak takdir, aku tahu dah takde jodoh, tapi tu lah.. mungkin masih tak boleh lupakan kenangan.

To be honest, I'm still in healing process. It's been two year after our first break up (putus sambung putus sambung). Sampai sekarang rasa macam tak percaya we're crashed, we're over. And I can't believe that somone can be perfectly fine after that 'storm'. Are you not affected? Sikit pun tak? You know how much it hurts me?

I can’t just bounce back up right away.

But then I realized that luka ni dah tak sebesar dulu. As time passes, as your heart starts to stitch itself back together, we will learn how to cope with the pain. It's not that luka tu hilang sendiri macam tu je, but we're cope with it. Because that pain never go. Kita cuma dah terbiasa. As time passes, it's not so much pain because we're just reminiscing the memories.  And as time passes, I believe that the hurt, the pain will become less. It's going to bloom into something better InsyaAllah.

I should be grateful for the love that we felt. Walaupun sementara. Ya, cinta yang lepas tu tinggalkan sakit. But I'm so grateful that I know my heart has the ability to love that strongly. To feel that much. To love unconditionally.

And even though it's hurt, I'm going to be okay. I still surviving and breathing. No matter how much I love him and no matter how much I feel like shit now, it’s going to get better. I'm going to grow. I'm going to get stronger :')

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