Even you broke my heart, you still the person I love to write about
Friday, November 9, 2018 November 09, 2018 | 0 Comment(s)

I clearly remember what you said, that you wanted me to stay in your life. you promised that no matter happen you will always stay by my side. And I couldn't imagine if I lose you, I couldn't imagine my life without you. I couldn't imagine how my feelings if you left.

I remember every single moment that we had together. I remember everything about you.
Tell me, how could I forget you... a part of my life, that was once special to my heart?

Di mana dan apa saja keadaan akan datang, aku percaya yang aku masih akan terus mengingati dia. I don't think I will ever forget him. Even now we lost each other and our relationship was short-lived, I don't think I can forget you. It's been two years, tapi perasaan tu masih tak dapat dibuang.

You will always be my favorite person to write about. Aku menulis semula setelah setahun tinggalkan blog ni sebab dia. Aku menulis sebab dengan cara ni aku dapat meluahkan. Our love story will always be the story that I love to tell people.

And you will always be the best thing that I have to set free.

Melepaskanmuuuu, bukan mudah bagiku untuk melalui semua ini :'(

As for now, aku perlahan-lahan cuba terima yang tiada jodoh antara kita. Tuhan sedang persiapkan yang terbaik untuk kita berdua, sesuatu yang masih menjadi rahsia Tuhan. Mungkin ada orang lain yang lebih layak ditakdirkan dengan dia. Although it's heartbreaking to know that it's not you that I'm going to spend my life with, I'm still trying my best to be happy. Happy for you and happy for both of us.

I am trying so hard to distance myself from you, hoping that it’s going to be an easy healing for me. I am not gonna imagine how come you are so happy and how settled your life while I am here putting my broken pieces together.

I know that I am strong enough to kill this sadness.

Aku percaya yang masa akan memulihkan segala duka ni. Aku percaya yang satu hari nanti akan ada sinar bahagia. I will meet someone who's going to fill my life with love better than you did. I believe that few years from now, I still remember you but I will no longer remember the feelings that you gave. Perlahan-lahan rasa cinta itu lenyap bersama masa. One day I hope I will understand why Allah didn't make us together, forever.

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